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The Best of 2021

by Vervante •

If you’re like us, as the New Year approaches it’s very exciting to think about new projects and new possibilities. But one thing we like to take a moment for as well is to reflect on the past year. Celebrate, learn, and take what we’ve experienced to make our future even better.

As we move forward, we thought it would be fun to invite you to look back with us at some of the best of what we put out this year - new products, enhanced services, and ideas that can help you share your talents in a bigger way. So here's our Best of 2021, wrapped up with a sparkly bow!
#1 Author / Entrepreneur Empowerment
Our bottom line is to help the people we work with succeed, so we are always looking for new ways to educate and empower our customers. During the past year we posted even more guides, how-to's, and instructions to help you take action, turn your ideas into products, and make the process as easy and lucrative as possible. 

#2 New Product Debuts
We are always listening to your ideas and looking for new ways to provide what you want and need. This year we were excited to debut many new items that can either stand alone, or make your current products even better.  

#3 Information You Need
Knowledge is power and we did our best to share the latest and make sure you stayed informed. From ideas to help authors connect with customers to printing best practice and beyond, our team did their best to make sure you are always ahead of the game.

#4 Planners Still Rule
Planning for the future is always fun, and this year planners continued to rule as one of the hottest products to create, sell, and share. We spent a lot of time on planner education this year in order to give you everything you need to create planners (and journals!) that help your customers find the success they deserve.

Here’s to starting 2022 in a memorable and exciting way! We'd love to know what your thoughts and wishes are for the New Year, so please feel free to email us at with your ideas to help us serve you best.