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How to set up and use Amazon Author Pages

by Vervante •

If you’re looking for a secret weapon to support your Amazon sales, here it is – Amazon Author Pages! Authors who sell books on Amazon automatically have access to this very cool – and free – resource, but often don’t know they can use it, or forget about it with all the hustle and bustle of a sales launch.

Amazon Author Pages help you to connect with your readers by providing detailed information about you, your books, and any other links or products you’d like to promote. There’s even a way for people to “Follow” you on Amazon so fans can be alerted when you debut new items.

If you haven’t used this resource yet – or maybe set one up but forgot about it – it’s not too late. Here’s what you need to do:
How to set up an Amazon Author Page
Get started by going to Amazon Author Central and log in to your account. If this is the first time you're logging in to Author Central, follow their directions for verifying your account and linking to your existing books for sale on Amazon. Once you've done that, Amazon will walk you through the rest of the setup steps. Here are a few pro tips to make sure you are using this resource to its best:

  • Amazon Profile: Start by uploading a current photo. 
  • Biography: Sharing your story helps readers make a stronger connection with you.
  • Blogs: Link to your blog so updates will be posted on your Author Page as well.
  • Photos & Videos: Upload event videos, book trailers, speaking highlights, interviews, etc.

Once you’ve filled in all the information, check that all of your books are listed on your Author Page. If any of your books are not listed, go to the Books tab and click Add more books. To see how your Amazon Author Page looks to other people, click on the link provided in the Profile section.

You'll also see a tab at the top called "Reports and Marketing," where you can:

  1. Use the Sales Rank feature to check how your book is performing in Amazon.
  2. Check Customer Reviews under the Reports + Marketing tab 

Want to see how other authors are using Amazon Author Pages? Here are a couple you can check out for inspiration:

Amazon Author Pages are free to set up and a great opportunity you don’t want to miss. We hope this inspired you to get started on your own, and please let us know if you have any questions.