
Free Report: Create a New Product Get it Here

Part 5: How to Sell Your New Product

by Vervante •

Yay! You made it to the final steps for creating a new product - the part where it's now time to share and sell your new creation. As we wrap up our special 5-part series taking you through all the... Continue reading →

What do I need for Amazon bestseller status?

by Vervante •

When an author wants to sell more books, build credibility and get more attention as a speaker, author or expert in their industry, it’s common knowledge that becoming an Amazon bestseller is one of the quickest ways to success. In... Continue reading →

Tips and strategies for retail book sales success

by Vervante •

Offering your book through a retail outlet is much more than a good way to increase your revenue. Selling your book in stores and online is also a great way to: improve search engine optimization (SEO) increase sales opportunities elevate... Continue reading →