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Create Your Own Custom Horizontal Planner with Vervante

by Vervante •

Unlock the Power of Horizontal Orientation

In today's fast-paced world, finding innovative ways to enhance productivity and organization can make all the difference. One unique solution gaining traction is the horizontal planner – a game-changing personal and professional planning approach that offers a refreshing alternative to the traditional portrait-oriented format.

Embrace the Horizontal Advantage: The horizontal planner presents a unique opportunity to rethink your approach to creating a planner. By rotating the traditional planner layout, you unlock a broader, more expansive canvas that can accommodate a wealth of information in a visually appealing and intuitive manner.

Versatile Cut Sheets and Inserts: The options for customizable small-sized pages are endless, from monthly calendars and weekly overviews to detailed note-taking sections and specialized tracking tools. These smaller pages can be seamlessly bound into the planner, providing you with a personalized planning system.

Streamlined Binding and Organization: Whether you opt for side-cut or top-cut tabs, hard covers, board covers, or soft covers, the horizontal planner allows for a unique layout. Any of our spiral or wire-o-bound products can include the different tab option as well as binding along the top or the side.


Take a look at the video HERE of this new planner option.


Embrace the Future of Planning: As the demand for innovative and personalized planning solutions grows, the horizontal planner stands out as a compelling option that can revolutionize how you create your planner. By exploring this unique format's possibilities and customization options, you can unlock a new era of customized planners.

"The horizontal planner has been a game-changer for me. The wider layout and customizable inserts have helped me stay on top of my busy schedule while also allowing me to infuse my style and creativity into the planning process. It's a truly transformative tool that has enhanced my overall productivity and well-being."

Embark on your journey towards a more organized, efficient, and inspiring planning experience by exploring the possibilities of the horizontal planner. Embrace the power of customization and unlock the full potential of your planning process.


Boost Your Book or Product Sales with a Bonus Coaching Call

by Vervante •

Including a 15-minute or 30-minute coaching call as a bonus can be an excellent strategy for increasing the value of your book or product. This not only allows you to raise the price of your book but also serves as a gateway to getting new clients into your larger coaching program.

How It Works

  • Create a Compelling Offer: Offer a free 15 or 30-minute coaching call with the purchase of your book or workbook. Highlight the unique value and personalized attention the buyer will receive.
  • Adjust Your Pricing: Increase the price of your book to reflect the added value of the coaching call. Customers will see the additional cost as a worthwhile investment for the personalized guidance they receive.
  • Promote the Bonus: Use your marketing channels—social media, email newsletters, and website—to promote this special offer. Explain the benefits and how the coaching call will help them get more from your book.
  • Include Clear Instructions: Ensure your buyers can claim their coaching call. This could be a link to schedule the call directly or instructions on how to contact you via email. Also, you can include a printed certificate with your product outlining the steps to book the coaching call. This certificate is a tangible reminder and adds a professional touch to your offer.
  • Use the Call to Upsell: During the coaching call, focus on providing value and addressing the buyer's needs. This is also a chance to introduce your more extensive coaching program and how it can help them further.

Success Stories
Many of our customers have found success with this approach. They’ve built stronger relationships with their clients by providing a coaching call, leading to higher customer satisfaction and more referrals. Additionally, the one-on-one interaction often results in new clients for their broader coaching services, generating significant returns on the initial investment.

Incorporating a coaching call as a bonus with your book or workbook can enhance your product's value, increase sales, and be a powerful marketing tool to attract new clients. Start offering this bonus today and watch your business grow!


Amplify your Business with a Custom Printed Magazine

by Vervante •

Establishing a strong connection with your audience is paramount in the dynamic world of coaching. One powerful way to achieve this is through a well-crafted magazine. Whether considering a monthly, quarterly, or semi-annual publication, a magazine can elevate your brand, showcase your expertise, and engage your clients like never before.

Why Magazines?

Showcase Your Expertise: A magazine lets you dive deep into your coaching methodologies, share insightful articles, and provide valuable tips. It’s a platform to demonstrate your knowledge and build credibility. 70% of consumers feel organizations providing custom content are more trustworthy (Content Marketing Institute).
Engage and Educate: Through rich content such as success stories, case studies, and client testimonials, you can inspire and educate your audience. This strengthens their trust in you and fosters a sense of community. The Association of Magazine Media found that 80% of readers find printed magazines more engaging than digital content.
Build Brand Loyalty: Regular publications keep your clients connected and engaged. They serve as a tangible reminder of your services, keeping you top-of-mind. According to the Data & Marketing Association, 70% of consumers feel that print marketing is more personal and trustworthy than online digital ads.
Market Your Services: Use your magazine to promote upcoming workshops, webinars, and special offers. It’s a subtle yet effective marketing tool that can drive client retention and acquisition. The DMA reports that direct mail response rates, including printed magazines, are significantly higher at 4.9% compared to email at 1%.

Incorporating Magazines into Your Business

Content Planning: Start by outlining the themes for each issue. Focus on topics that resonate with your audience, such as personal development, business strategies, or wellness tips.

Client Contributions: Encourage your clients to contribute stories or testimonials. This not only provides fresh content but also strengthens your community.
Visual Appeal: Invest in high-quality images and design. A visually appealing magazine enhances the reading experience and reflects the professionalism of your brand.

How Vervante Can Help

At Vervante, we specialize in printing and manufacturing custom magazines tailored to your needs. Here’s how we make it seamless for you:

  1.  Custom Printing: We print high-quality magazines in any quantity, ensuring you get exactly what you need without excessive inventory.
  2. Fulfillment Services: Send us your distribution list, and we’ll print, package, and ship your magazine.  You can offer older issues on your site and we’ll ship individual orders as needed.
  3. US-Based Manufacturing: All products are printed and manufactured in our Utah facility, ensuring high quality and quick turnaround.