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How order processing and shipping works

by Vervante •

Ever wonder what going on behind the scenes from the moment a product is ordered until it arrives at someone's door? Today we're pulling back the curtain and giving you the grand tour of how order processing, fulfillment, and shipping work with Vervante.

First: An Order is Received
We accept orders in a wide variety of ways, so you can set up your ordering systems to fit your business model and preference. We can work with:

  • ANY shopping cart system
  • online retail options such as Amazon
  • orders sent to us using Excel or a .csv file
  • orders placed manually via your Vervante Author Dashboard
  • Orders placed through the Vervante Bookstore

If you have questions about setting up your retail solutions and how they work with Vervante, that information and much more details about processing orders from your shopping cart can be found HERE.
Second: Printing, Processing and Fulfillment
Once we receive the order information, your product is either printed on demand, or pulled from stock we are storing for you in our warehouse. Here’s how that works:

  • Printing on demand is when we print only the amount ordered, at the time we receive the order. For books or products printed on demand, you pay only the cost of printing plus shipping and handling. Click here to read "What Is Print on Demand?" for more details.
  • Bulk orders can be printed and stored in our secure warehouse, ready to be pulled and drop-shipped when you need them. For more information about placing bulk orders and storing stock in our warehouse, see "How to Lower Costs Through Bulk Orders."

Processing & Fulfillment: After your order is printed or pulled from stock, it is assembled and packaged for shipping, and goes through a series of quality control checks to ensure both quality and accuracy for every order. Every package we send out includes a packing slip that you can personalize with your logo, message, policies and more to ensure customer satisfaction. To learn more about how to customize your packing slip, see "How to Create Personalized Packing Slips."

Now it's Time for Shipping
Orders are shipped according to the method you or your customer have indicated. We charge postage based on weight, shipping method, and destination. We do not have a flat shipping fee and we do not inflate the postage rates.

We ship anywhere in the world using USPS and UPS services and keep you up-to-date on its status. Here's how it works:

  • Orders are completed and prepped for shipping, the packing slip is scanned, and shipping labels are applied.
  • Products are shipped according to your preferred shipping method.
  • Shipping confirmation emails are sent to recipients with tracking information. This feature is optional and can be turned off if you don’t want Vervante to email your customer the tracking number.
  • Order information such as status and tracking numbers are posted to your Author Dashboard online.

We hope this peek at what happens to your products as they move from shopping carts to satisfied customers was enlightening. If you have any questions about the process, please feel free to reach out to our publishing pros via our Contact page. We're here to help!