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How to send supplied items to Vervante

by Vervante •

Many of our customers like to include additional items in the packages we send out to their customers. For example: adding stickers, bookmarks and colored pens with a daily planner. Or crystals and pretty bags with tarot card decks. These extra items are called "Supplied Items" and our fulfillment service team can include them in your packages when we ship out your orders.

Some examples of supplied items our customers use include:

  • Pens, pencils, markers
  • Apparel
  • Crystals
  • Bags for card decks
  • Tissue paper to wrap the planner/book/journal
  • Colored crinkle paper to sprinkle in the box
  • Athletic accessories (fitness bands, supplements, etc.)
  • Tote bags, pouches or pencil cases

If you like this idea, be sure to check out this article on our blog for more details and fun ideas: How to Add Extras to Subscription Boxes and Packages.

We also have a video on our website that details this process that you can see on the Video Vault page or by clicking HERE.

How Supplied Items Work

  1. Using the instructions below, send us the extra items you would like included in your shipments.
  2. We store them in our warehouse
  3. When an order comes in for fulfillment, we add them to the package according to your instructions.
  4. The printed item and supplied items are shipped to your customer

How to send supplied items
We're happy to announce that to make the process for sending us your supplied items even easier, we've added a new feature in your Vervante Author Account. Just log in, look under the section titled "Send Items to Vervante" and click on the Supplied Items link (as seen in this image).

PLEASE NOTE: Please use this form for sending us supplied items (even if you've done it a different way before). This will alert our receiving team so when items arrive we'll be ready and know exactly what to do with them. You can even use a link included in the form to send us a photo of the items. This is very useful to help our team identify items when they arrive at our warehouse.