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How to convert a planner into disc bound

by Vervante •

Many of our current customers wanted to know: Can I convert my current product into a disc-bound one? We're pleased to let you know that YES, you can
It's actually very easy to convert existing products that are currently spiral or wire-o bound to a disc-punched option. In fact, you can give your customers the option of selection either spiral, wire-o bound or punched for disc binding. 

The really good news? We don't need new files, just an email from you to let us know what you'd like.  Vervante is one of only a few companies that provide punching for a disc bound product, so you can put help your product stand out in the market by offering something that many other people can't.

Please note: We offer punching for disc binding - discs are not included. We are happy to punch your product for disc binding and you can send us discs to be bundled with the content that we ship to your customers.

If you want to include discs with your product, they can be purchased on Amazon, Etsy, or special ordered from overseas suppliers such as Alibaba. They come in a variety of sizes depending on the number of pages in your product, and in different colors and materials such as plastic and metal. All you need to do is send the discs to us, we'll store them in our warehouse, and bundle them with the disc-punched content we create for your product.

For more details about disc-bound products and disc-punching service we offer, see this article: "How to Create a Disc Bound Planner."

If you’d like a free quote for creating disc bound punched content, or for any other product or service, just click on the “Get a Quote” link on our website home page. Or you can always reach out to