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3 ways to help your coaching program stand out

by Vervante •

The coaching industry has never been hotter than it is now! The problem with big growth, however, is facing the challenge of how to stand out among your peers. No matter what type of coaching you offer – business, life, health, fitness, finance, relationships – most experts agree that focusing on 3 strategic elements is the key to elevating your presence in the industry: 1) You, 2) Your Audience and 3) the Unique Results You Get.

If you are a coach and you want to stand out from the crowd, we have exactly what you need to shine a spotlight on these 3 things and give people a taste of your unique brilliance.


If there was just one perfect place to share your thoughts, ideas, strategies, tips and everything that makes you “you,” then it would be a BOOK.

As a coach, you are a huge part of your business brand, especially when you’re starting out, that’s why it’s important to differentiate your brand based on how YOU are different. One way to share “You” is to let people experience you in a format that’s easy to share – a book.

Books and booklets are still one of the best ways to establish your authority, create a product for generating leads, support business growth, and so much more. “Free Plus Shipping” offers providing readers with free books for just the price of postage are just one of the ways to leverage a book to grow your coaching business.


Another way to differentiate your coaching business is to strategically identify and connect with your audience. You must show them that you are in touch with what they need, understand their desires, and can help them reach their goals.

A great product to help you connect with your audience in a very personal way is a VIP or SUBSCRIPTION BOX. Custom printed boxes filled with items can be used for a 1-time gift, an introductory offer, to welcome a new member of a program, or as an entry-level product to let people get to know you better.

These boxes will wow as your clients or customers will be treated to a carefully curated assortment of goodies you decide on. Here at Vervante we can help you create a customized box with beautiful graphics on the outside, and products that can be included such as journals, daily planners, notepads, stickers, USB flash drives, card decks, and more.


Every coach has their own “secret sauce,” that special way they connect with people and help them take action and get results. It’s your secret sauce that can help you stand out big time, and inspire people to work with you more.  

One of the best products we’ve ever seen for sharing a message, helping others to take action and get results, and letting your own style and personality shine through is a DAILY PLANNER.

A daily planner is easy to make, share and sell. We’ve helped hundreds of coaches create their own, or customize our unbranded ones, and help them set up to share and sell through Amazon and their own website.

Daily planners are great for showing how you work, providing support for action and goal-getting, and sharing your special sauce throughout in the way you do it. Daily planners are great for establishing your authority as someone you can trust. It not only provides your clients with space for daily planning but also keeps your coaching front and center in a positive and memorable way.

If any of these ideas strikes your fancy and you’d like to learn more, we’re here to help. For questions email our publishing pros at For brainstorm sessions, schedule a 1-on-1 phone call with our CEO, Cindy Tyler, by clicking HERE.