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Top mistakes self-published authors make

by Vervante •

If you are writing your first book, you’re probably worried about what to do, what not to do, and wondering if you’re forgetting anything in the process. Learning from other’s mistakes is a great way to get a jump start, so we gathered a list of the most common errors we’ve seen authors so you can avoid them in your own journey.

Skipping the editing stage

Sloppy writing reflects poorly on the author. Readers are forgiving only to a point. If your book is full of errors, it will be distracting and difficult to read. Depending on your budget, hire a professional editor, find someone willing to barter services, or even a colleague with eagle-eyes and a willingness to help you.

Bad cover design

The design of your cover deserves as much attention as the content. The first impression of a book cover can make or break the sale. A professionally-designed cover isn’t just important – it’s everything! Hire a professional to create a cover that will attract attention and portray the message and professionalism you need.

Bad interior formatting

Just like cover design, you need the services of a professional to format your book’s interior to make it pleasing to the eye and easy to read.

Bad timing for your book launch

If you’ve written a book that is more relevant to a specific season, be sure to strategize and plan ahead. For instance, don’t launch a fitness book about getting ready for summer in November. And don’t write a book about the winter holidays and launch it on Dec. 25.

Not thinking beyond the book

If you have a book, you can also create an ebook. But don’t stop there. If you publish a children’s book with images, create a companion coloring book by removing color from the images. Non-fiction books can be accompanied by workbooks, journals, planners, calendars, card decks and more that continue the theme and add value to your book. Plus, more products mean more income, more exposure, more readers and customers, and the ability to build a successful business by repurposing your content.

Ordering expensive, unnecessary “starter” packages

A good publisher will not force you to purchase hundreds of books or pay large fees to print your book. Look for a company that offers Print on Demand services as well as larger print run options – like us!

Not ordering a sample

Always order at least one (or a handful) of sample copies, or ARCs (Advance Reading Copies), before you offer your book to the public to make sure it’s exactly what you were envisioning.

Launching without feedback

Speaking of sample copies, be sure to share a few with trusted colleagues or hand-picked “beta readers” for constructive criticism.

Getting too much feedback

Feedback is great, but don’t make the mistake of letting too many cooks into your kitchen. In the end, your book is your book. Feedback that catches editing mistakes, points out inconsistencies in stories, suggests additions or stories that would add to the value of the book are great. But suggestions for total rewrites to fit the taste of each individual is not what you need.

Only selling on Amazon

Amazon is great, but don’t limit yourself to just one venue for sales.  If you list via Amazon Marketplace you’ll make higher royalties and still have the ability to also sell your book in other locations like your own website or other online bookstores. Selling from locations you can control gives you the freedom to be creative and offer more value for your audience in the form of bundles, coupons, promotions, etc.

Ignoring fair use and permissions

Whenever you want to directly quote, excerpt, or reproduce someone else’s work in something you are writing, you should consider whether or not you need legal permission to protect yourself and your business from potential future problems. Some of the things you may want to quote or reuse will fall under the “Fair Use” umbrella, which means you don’t need permission as long as the way you’re using it does not impede on the owner’s rights. Other things, however, are legally protected by copyright and should only be used after acquiring permission. Check out this article for more details: Fair Use and Permissions for authors.

Book sales tunnel vision

Don’t make the mistake of trusting Kevin Costner movies and thinking “If I write it, they will come.” If no one knows about your book, no one will buy it. In today’s evolving publishing world, even top publishing firms are asking their authors to help with marketing and promotion. Be active in social media, share your book idea and tidbits as you are writing, give away short ebooks and previews in exchange for email addresses to build a database that you can reach out to in the future for book launches, tours, events, updates, announcements and future sales.  

and finally…..

Not following your heart

If you have a book idea and it’s something you feel strongly about, the biggest mistake you can make is to not write it. Everyone has a special talent or message they can share, and somewhere out there are readers who need what only you can provide. Self-publishing is a great resource for empowering aspiring authors to turn their ideas into reality. So go for it!