New product: Oversize desk calendars
by Vervante •
Ever notice how movies theaters are filled with stories of people with super powers? We all love a superhero story, and because we're just sort of geeky like that, we thought it would be fun to unveil the superpowers of three of our most popular products: Journals, Planners and Calendars. These have so many possibilities. But one thing's for sure - they are super-powered when it comes to supporting business growth.
Calendars, for instance, have amazing transformational powers. You can create:
- Saddle stitched wall calendars
- Spiral bound wall or desk calendars
- Card deck calendars in clear stand-up cases
- And perfect-bound book-like calendars with monthly, weekly and daily pages mixed in with inspirational quotes or short stories, ideas, and information you can share with readers all year long.
Speaking of calendars, we've got a NEW PRODUCT we're excited to debut: Oversize Desk Calendars. We can create custom month-at-glance calendars padded with chipboard up to 11x17. These can be used on a desk, customized for coaching classes, provided as resources for mastermind groups, etc.
Planners and Journals: Fast to create, strong in value, perfect for inspiring your audience! Spiral, saddle-stitch, or perfect bound planners and journals can be used to add value to almost anything. They are great for training programs, client bonuses, marketing tools, or to add value for workshops, conferences and events. You can create custom themed planners for everything from health, fitness, and nutrition, to business, finance and entrepreneurial adventures.
Thanks for letting us share our favorite super products with you. We hope you'll try them out. For free quotes, ideas and information, email us at Our publishing experts are here to help you create exactly what you need.