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Audiobooks: The fastest growing format in publishing

by Vervante •

Did you know that audiobooks are the fastest-growing format in the book business today? According to an article in the Wall Street Journal, sales in the U.S. and Canada jumped 21% in 2015 from the previous year and keep growing. Much of the credit is being put to smartphones and the popularity of multitasking, with people loving the ability to download a book to their phone and listen to it at their own page in the place of their choosing.

Here at Vervante, we love audiobooks. But we also stand by the value of printed books and books on CD. As an author, you should think carefully about your readers’ personal habits and needs when it comes to choosing the right format for your own book. If it’s CDs, that’s fine. As the author of the article stated, cars have CD players and as long as they do, there will always be a call for books on CD to enrich commutes and entertain passengers. As for printed books, well, we love how author Colm Toibin put it:

“I really believe in the slow solitary silent business of reading. An audiobook is a kind of performance, like a radio play. On a long car journey, I can’t think of anything better. But it doesn’t replace reading.”

If you want to offer your book as an ebook, audiobook, or other creative way using CDs, DVDs, and more, we can help. Reach out to our publishing experts at and we’ll get you started right away.

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