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Meet our new partner - Prodigy Promos

by Vervante •

We are excited to introduce you to our new partner, promotional branding company Prodigy Promos, who we know will soon be on your go-to list for creating promotional products that will amaze your audience AND help you keep more money in your pocket.

Many of our clients here at Vervante like to include branded items with books or other products we produce for them. Things like t-shirts, hats, pens or swag bags. What excites us about this new partnership with Prodigy Promos is that we can give you direct access to Prodigy’s stress-busting, money-saving, business-boosting advantages:

  • Successful, established promotional and marketing experts: In business for more than 10 years, their mission is to help you build your brand so that you can build your business.
  • Budget friendly: No shipping costs to send products from their shop to ours – they are literally just around the corner.  
  • Can handle orders large and small: Prodigy is able to provide a high level of quality control, better pricing and incredibly fast turnaround times for high volume, custom projects.
  • Exceptional customer service: Expert team of in-house designers keeps your project under one roof, assuring quick turnaround time, efficiency and money saved.

Best yet? This announcement comes at the perfect time for the holiday season. As a valued Vervante customer, you’ve got direct access to Prodigy’s expert team – check out their site by clicking HERE or give them a call at 888-234-1349, or email at They’ll help you design your next fabulous t-shirt, hat or holiday gift just in time to show your clients, customers or employees how great you know they are.

Questions? Ideas? Ready to get creative? We want to know. Email us at and we’ll help bring your vision to life.