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Automatic order processing for 1ShoppingCart, InfusionSoft & PayPal

by Vervante •

Earlier we shared how easy it is to set up automatic order processing from your online shopping cart to Vervante for quick, easy and stress-free fulfillment and distribution. It went over so well that we decided to dig a little deeper and outline how it works with the top 3 online shopping carts we see used most frequently: 1ShoppingCart, InfusionSoft and PayPal. 
1Shopping Cart
Orders are automatically processed using’s order confirmation emails. Here’s how it works:

  1. A Vervante part number will be assigned to your product.
  2. This part number is entered in 1ShoppingCart as the product SKU.
  3. Then add to the email distribution list in 1ShoppingCart (found in Home > Setup > Orders > Notifications).

That’s it! Once you finish these three steps, Vervante will receive copies of all of your order confirmations, but only those that contain our part number and an accepted credit card status will be processed into our system.
For Infusionsoft users, we recommend sending an automated daily Fulfillment Report. Learn the steps for doing this in Infusionsoft’s Getting Started Guides by clicking HERE.
Another option is to set up an email notification for each order. Email notifications need to be set up as text messages. Be sure to check out the Order Processing page on our site for a complete example and instructions.  
As with 1ShoppingCart, orders can be processed from PayPal order confirmation emails:

  1. A Vervante part number is assigned to your product.
  2. This part number should be added to your product description as the Item Number.
  3. Finally, forward Order Notification emails to

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Ready to check if you’ve set it up right? No matter which shopping cart you use, orders should appear in your Vervante Author Account within 10 minutes. If an order does not appear in your Vervante account within approximately 10 minutes, you can safely assume that we did not receive the email or the email notification is not set up correctly.
Overall, set up is simple, and you won’t believe how much time and energy it saves you in the long run. If you haven’t set this up yet, be sure to give it a try. And if you need any help or have questions, we’re here for you at