All about eBooks
by Vervante •
If you have a book, the next step to think about is converting it into an eBook. And if you're still in the process of writing, it's a great idea to keep the eBook option in mind. After all, with the proliferation of Amazon Kindle, Barnes & Noble Nooks and ereaders of all kinds out there, the opportunity to share your writing with an ever-expanding global audience is ripe.
Here at Vervante HQ we get a lot of questions about eBooks. How do I format them? How do we get them placed on Amazon or Barnes & Noble? Whats the best way to handle images inside the eBooks? We know that these are all important questions and that's why we're excited to share with you the latest edition to the free resources section of our website, "eBooks Expert Guide. Everything you need to know about getting started with eBooks, formatting and best practices."
As a part of your publishing team, our priority is to help you success. This guide takes a look at everything from formatting and source files to images and graphic elements. If you're ready to turn your book into an eBook - or just thinking about putting it on your to-do list for the future - this guide is a great resource that will give you a stress-free headstart on creating an eBook that your readers will enjoy.